How To Hire Block Chain Developer

With the growth of crowdfunding and blockchain-based apps the need for blockchain developers is out of the charts.If your business wants to be ahead of the curve in innovation by utilizing blockchain technology, consider hiring blockchain developers with the required blockchain knowledge.

The process of attracting these highly sought-after developers appears to be a difficult task for both established companies and new start-ups.

If you’re seeking to hire an blockchain engineer for your development company or locating the right blockchain development company, take a look at this article to discover some tips to assist you in finding the best blockchain talent.

1. Be aware of whether blockchain developers have an understanding of programming concepts or not.

When the hiring of a blockchain developer it is essential to determine if the candidate is familiar with the concepts of programming languages such as C, C++, Python, Javascript, Node JS, Solidity, Java, and Go. A skilled blockchain developer must also be aware of the following term ssuch as

OOPS is an acronym for Object-Oriented Programing Structure, which is organized around the idea of objects. The objects are organized into classes, which allows each object to be organized.Since objects is able to be modified without affecting other objects within the program, programmers can swiftly update applications written in object-oriented languages.

Developers should know the syntax of the basic programming languages. The term “syntax” in programming refers to the rules that define the specific sequence of symbols to build a program to perform a specific function of a program.

Be sure that your developer is familiar with the fundamental syntax, such as the loops for loops conditional statements, logical operators, Arithmetic operators, relational operators, and many more.

Multi-Threading is the capacity of a CPU inside a multi-core processor to execute several threads or process concurrently. Thus, a programmer must know how to implement multi-threading for various kinds of software.

Socket Programming
The socket Programming is a method used to connect two nodes of the network to communicate with one another. Client programs create socket objects in order to connect with the server. Once the connection is established the server will also create another socket at the end of the communication.

Blockchain developers should be knowledgeable about how to program sockets.

2. Find out if a developer is familiar with encryption and security

The blockchain is focused on using encryption standards to secure data transfers. You need to make sure that a developer understands these encryption concepts.

Secure Hashing Algorithms (SHA)
The Secure Hashing Algorithm (or set of algorithms) is designed to address cyber-security issues and protect data.

The algorithm transforms data using a hash function. It consists of modular additions and compression functions, as well as bitwise operations.

1993 was the year that SHA-0, the first version, was released. Its successor, SHA-1, features 16-bit hashing. SHA-2, on the other hand, contains a set with two functions that use 512-bit or 256-bit technologies.

Blockchain implements encryption standards so it is important that blockchain developers have a good understanding of encryption concepts.

Encryption Decryption
Encryption refers to the transformation of plain text into unreadable random text. It is also known as ciphertext. Encryption is the reverse process. It involves converting the encrypted text back to plain text.

Private Key and Public Key
The public and private keys pair are two cryptographic keys that can be used to encrypt or decrypt data. The public key can be accessed by anyone, while the private key can only be accessed by the owner.

Because the key pair is mathematically related the data encrypted using a public key cannot be decrypted without its corresponding private keys or vice versa.

3. If a developer of blockchain understands data structures, or not

Hire blockchain developerOr a full-stack developer, it is vital to have a basic understanding of data structures. They are crucial to software development. It is essential that a blockchain developer has knowledge of these data structures.

  • Linked List
    Like the array, a link list is a linear structure with elements that are connected using pointers.
    Every element in a list contains two items.
  • Hash Table
    Hash Tables are data structures that implement an associative array data data type. These keys can be mapped to their respective values. A hash table can convert an index from a list of slots to an array that can be used for finding the required value.
  • Acyclic graph
    An acyclic chart is a graph with no cycles. It can also be defined to have no repeating vertices.

4. It is important to ensure that developers understand the essential concepts of the Blockchain.

When you’re hiring blockchain developers, it’s important to ensure they have a solid understanding of the basic concepts involved in blockchain technology.

  • Distributed Ledger Technology
    Distributed ledger technology lets digital data be shared, replicated and synchronized across multiple nodes. This is an alternative to keeping it in one location. A developer must understand DLT and how it works in different forms of the blockchain.
  • Inmutability
    An immutable thing is something that cannot be changed. After data has been added to the blockchain, it cannot be changed again. An event can be added to a chain to allow for updates. The data saved in the past cannot be deleted or modified.
  • Consensus
    Because there is not a central authority within the blockchain to make decisions regarding the addition and deletion of blocks, the consensus mechanism is used.
    The consensus is an informal group decision-making process that involves all members making a common decision in the collective best interest of the entire network.
    If someone needs to change the information on the blockchain for example, each node in that network would reach a consensus about whether the data must be updated. Once the consensus has been reached, a new block may be added to a chain.
  • Crypto Tokens
    Crypto Tokens signify a particular utility or asset that resides on top Blockchain. Tokens are tradeable assets that can be used to create fungible assets.
    It is easier to create crypto tokens than it seems, so a blockchain developer needs to know how to do this.
  • Smart Contracts
    Smart Contracts use business logic to enable everyone to easily and transparently swap property, shares money, or any other valuable asset without intermediaries.
    It is used to create smart contracts across different platforms like Hyperledger and Ethereum.
  • DApps
    DApps is a Decentralized Application that is executed on a Peer to Peer system of computers, rather than executing one computer.
  • Sharding
    For greater efficiency, sharding is most commonly used in databases. To spread the load, a shard is an horizontal part of a database. It is stored on an isolated server instance.
    Sharding is used in the case of blockchain to store only a small portion of the data.
  • Public Blockchain
    Public blockchain makes it possible for anyone to store, exchange and access the information.
    Bitcoin’s cryptographic codes are open to everyone. Anyone can join the blockchain and become a miner in order for the network to function properly. Lightning networks and Ethereum can also be used as examples.
  • Blockchain Permissioned
    Permissioned cryptocurrency allows anyone to read the records, but allows specific parties to mine and verify the transactions. Hyperledger Fabric, R3 Corda and Hyperledger sawtooth are just a few examples.

5. Developers should be knowledgeable about the development tools that are required for building Blockchain-based applications

A developer of blockchain technology should have a basic understanding the following development tools.

  • Open-source tool to develop blockchain applications.
  • Explorer A tool for creating a user friendly web application.
  • A free tool to create solidity contract right from your browser.
  • Metamask To convert cryptocurrencies from a wallet address to another.
  • Etherscan To examine different smart contracts as well as all transactions occurring on the Ethereum Network.
  • Mist- Provides an interface for transactions via the wallet.
  • Caliper It is a tool to evaluate the performance of specific blockchain implementations.
  • Bitcoin Blower- A tool that offers detailed information about Bitcoin addresses as well as transactions and blocks.

6. Where can you find blockchain developers

Once you know your requirements, you must be able to pinpoint the right place to find them. As blockchain is still in its infancy, you should not rely on LinkedIn to find skilled developers.

If you are looking to hire a blockchain developer, it is best to meet them on public forums such as Reddit and Glitter. You might also find blockchain developers sharing ideas at hackathons.

What should Enterprises take into consideration when hiring a team of skilled blockchain developers to help them?
1. How long has the company been in existence?
It is important that you look at the company’s experience with digital platforms. Find out how long they have been operating in a highly competitive market.

It is important to find out what awards, achievements, and honors they have received because of their extraordinary work in this sector. You should also inquire about whether they have any patents, licensed products, and the quality.
2. They have worked alongside brands
A company’s portfolio can indicate how successful they are in the present, how many clients they have and what products they have created for those clients.

Another important factor to consider is whether the company offers maintenance for platforms they have developed in the past. If the company maintains past products, the company might have done an excellent job creating it.

Ask them whether they have only worked for start-ups or Fortune 500 firms. You will be able to quickly make an informed decision if they’ve ever built a product specifically for Fortune 500 firms.
3. Ask about their team
When looking for a blockchain company, ask how strong the company is and what industry they specialize in. The company’s size will tell you how productive the company is, and how many jobs they can complete in the set time frame.

Companies that have specialists from different fields are able to use different technology stacks.

You should ask the team where they are located and how they interact with one other, if they have different work hours. It will help to find out if the team can function or work according your timezone.

If developers are not available in the same zone of time, how will they be reached?

In order to understand the team’s leaders and technical experience, you should also get information.

You can visit their LinkedIn profile, or other professional networks, to get a sense of their work experience and the customer’s experience.
4. Ask about the Development Process

There are many types of development techniques. It is important that you know the process and guidelines for developers. It is important that all phases of the development process are followed by your company.

Talking about modern technologies like agile, scrum and extreme programming by a company is an indication that it works with the most up-to-date technology.
5. What tools do they use in managing projects?
Beyond the development process itself, it is also important to learn about the tools used in managing the projects by the company. There are many project management tools that can be used to monitor progress of projects.

Software Development Companies often use enterprise-grade project management software like Confluence. JIRA. Slack. Pivotal Tracker is used to track the progress and coordinate with other team members.
6. It is important to check whether they have an in-house developer team or if they employ off-shore development staff.
Software development companies have to sometimes stick with offshore development to remain competitive in price pressure. The possibility of quality concerns arise when companies use off-shore developers to manage the entire development process.
7. If they have the ability to build a solution on blockchain
When you are searching for a firm to develop a cryptocurrency-based platform, you will need experience in different technology stacks. These are the technology stacks that you should verify the company is familiar with.
8. Portfolio on Blockchain
Many companies started blockchain work a while ago. However, it is important that you understand whether the company has a portfolio of blockchain projects.

Has the person worked on a private or permissioned public blockchain? If you are looking for a Blockchain developer, a portfolio is necessary.
9. Are they end-to–end service providers?
You should confirm that the company is an End-to-End Service Provider. The company should offer the best-in–class development services, from product consulting to design, development and deployment, support and growth hacking.

Before you start searching for the developers in your area, you must first be an expert in the technology. Look for forums where blockchain experts discuss the latest trends. The information provided in this article can help you make the right decisions and hire the right developers.

Golvez has developed a workforce capable of building blockchain-based software. We can assist you in finding a blockchain development company.